Sunday, July 02, 2006

Is the Left wing really pink? Oh, Colonel Sanders, what a bore...

Have you ever really listened to C-Span? I mean really, really listened, and took notes of who said what. No? Me neither. All I get is what's on The News Hour, because I usually don't have the time to watch enough C-Span to hear anything useful. Now that Washington's on summer vacation, it's a good time to look at rhetoric on both sides of the isle.

I'll start with the Republican side. Most of their "reasoning" for what they do is done in the name of freedom, God, and you-aren't-American-if-you-disagree-ism. If you want to bring troops out of Iraq so that the people have to get serious and figure stuff out for themselves, you're "cutting and running" and "disrespecting our troops." If you want to raise taxes on the top 1% of the wealthy, you're damaging our economy. If you want to increase funding for schools, you're taking away from national security. If you want to raise security funding for New York City, you're being stupid because there aren't any national icons there. The demands of the red side are phrased in such a way that those who oppose them come across as unpatriotic and stupid. For example, "Operation Iraqi Freedom." If you vote against that, you look like you don't want Iraq to be free. Or the "Clean Air Act." Oooh, you don't want clean air, ooooh...

This macho, holier-than-thou attitude is very annoying. And for the most part, these "patriotic" resolutions help only the wealthy. Look at this Medicare mess. All these new individual plans were, supposedly, created to make sure that the participants would pay less for the medications they need. But no; instead, the consumer pays more, the prices of medications go up, and the pharmaceutical companies rake in the billions. If you ask me, medicines should be free. Period. Labs should be funded by the state. I mean, these are life-saving drugs here. Thousands of people would just up and die without their meds. Then again, if I could, I'd abolish money. Everything would be free, and everyone takes turns doing menial labor. Those who specialize would stay put, like scientists and chefs. Everyone would be supported by the state, and there wouldn't be poverty because everyone could have the basics of life, and more if they wanted. From each accoring to ability, to each according to need. Yep, I said it. Communism. The kind that works. But as everyone learns in freshman English class, humans don't work that way. Lord of the Flies and all that. Because of the corrupt, communism has accuired the worst rap in the world. Quite literally. Evil red commies. Even socialists get smeared. I'm what is known as a "pink diaper baby." I grew up with a socialist family and I believe in socialist ideals. Such as free healthcare and a stable platform, so that nobody gets stuck living below the poverty line. So sue me for wanting everyone to have a chance.

The other side of the isle, the Democratic party, used to be my party of choice. Then this new breed of Neo-Conservative cropped up, and the Democrats shattered. Previously, the reason that the blues didn't agree was because they all respected the fact that people have slightly different opinions. Now, though, they disagree because they want more political leverage. Some side with the Republicans in order to get more approval, but they wind up being labeled "flip-floppers." Because the democratic image practically expects representitives to change their minds, there isn't one solid model of argument to follow. Where most of the Republicans form a stubborn wall of "agree or else" attitude, everyone else is scrambling for cover. Those members of Congress whom I respect fight back with what I see as common sense. To combat the "you don't respect our troops" response to the idea of a pullout, several speakers pointed out that you haven't been to war so you can't talk, and this strategy obviously wasn't working, and people are dying, and don't you dare lecture us on respect when you won't even approve money for freakin' body armor.

Go get 'em, guys.

I just wish the Dems would get their act together enough to present a feasible alternative come November. 'Til then, I'm registering as an Independent.


Blogger Barbara said...

I'm with you!

10:55 PM  

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